The I4-GREEN project held its 4th Consortium Meeting in June 18th 2024, organized by ISMC with support from ICAMCYL in the city of Seville, Spain.

It was a fantastic opportunity for the people involved from all project contributors to meet in person, discuss the project evolution and objectives and share their vision and next steps. Very specially, the consortium had the honor to welcome the European Comission’s Project Officer, Maja Ferlinc, on site.

After a welcome from the project coordinator Santiago Cuesta-López (ICAMCYL, ISMC) and a short intervention by the Project Officer, the work packages were reviewed, and the progress made so far was shared. The presence of Ms. Ferlinc allowed for a constructive discussion of the project progress and the optimal ways to address the next activities and achieve the project’s best output and its overall success.

The I4GREEN project is an I3 Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument that provides advisory and financial support to innovation projects in joint smart specialisation areas.

Keep surfing our website to learn more about the project!