On the 28th of November 2023, the highly anticipated S3 Forum took place in Barcelona, organised by the European Commission with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the S3 CoP Secretariat.
The S3 Forum offered stakeholders a unique opportunity to network, discuss S3 implementation, and exchange insights and best practices.

I4-GREEN partner, Associação Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources participated in the S3Forum side event – Steering Committee meeting of S3 Thematic Platforms. Our s3 network was presented as a unique interregional ecosystem, a node for the green transformation of extractive industries and the emergence of an EU sustainable mining value chain.

While the foundational principles of S3 – specialization, prioritization, and participation in knowledge-based development – remain vital, the substantial global shifts of recent years require a fresh examination of what Smart Specialisation means today. New challenges are the core concern of national and regional policymakers.

The New European Innovation Agenda has identified pressing issues, such as reducing fossil fuel reliance, enhancing global food security, embracing digital transformation, advancing healthcare, and achieving circularity; these urgent challenges demand immediate attention, and I4-GREEN stands ready to address them head-on.
Watch the video of the event!